This episode, join Mallory, Sean, & Charles as they discuss Something Wicked This Way Comes, both the novel by Ray Bradbury and the 1983 Disney film, as well as getting into a semantic Crabbing vs Fishing debate.
In this episode, join Sean & Charles as they spit fire, discuss the films Thirst and Stoker by Chan-Wook Park, and shed light on the real issues affecting our country.
This week, Mallory, Sean, & Charles are laying down some truth nuggets about two films by Italian horror master Dario Argento: Inferno & Tenebrae. Be prepared to get sad about animal rights and excited about witches!
Welcome back to Part 2 of our Edgar Allan Poe/Vincent Price spectacular! This week, Mallory, Sean, & Charles get distracted by Wuthering Heights and rapping while trying to discuss Roger Corman's films The Raven & Tales of Terror, along with the Poe stories they were based on: The Raven, Morella, The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado, and The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar.
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