This episode, Sean & Charles are joined by Special Guest Leeman Kessler of Ask Lovecraft to talk about Pumpkinhead & Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings. One of these films is much better than the other, but the other has Soleil Moon Frye.
This episode, Charles & Sean experience some technical difficulties while attempting to discuss C.H.U.D. and The Signal. Sean reads from a list, daydreams about A.J. Bowen. Charles has no idea how jinxing works, also daydreams about A.J. Bowen.
In this episode, Sean, Charles, and special guest Tim "Power Listener" Vargulish get together, ostensibly to talk about the Dark Horse comic series Colder by Paul Tobin & Juan Ferreyra. However, they don't even start talking about it until around the 30 minute mark. Most of the episode is about Family Matters or semen. Charles makes a Carson Error. Sean brags about his penis. Tim tells his prison story.
This week, Mallory, Sean, Charles, & special guest Leeman Kessler of Ask Lovecraft are talking about the 1980 horror film Maniac, as well as its 2012 remake. Leeman & Charles bicker about whether or not Maniac 1980 is any good. Mallory tells us about her Krampus. Sean joins the Greasy Boys.
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