Sean here! Since there’s no posts yet, allow me to give you a brief explanation of what the Miskatonic Musings podcast is about. It’s a trifecta of horror nerds, waxing poetic about horror nerdery on a weekly basis. Mallory O’ Meara, the president of the Arkham Horror Book Club (with chapters in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island) started it all. She began the AHBC, which I (Sean!) joined…some time ago (memory, what’s that?).
At some point Mallory came up with the idea to have a podcast. She then enlisted her good friend, and my new friend, Charles Meyer. She asked me if I wanted to be on it, and as a bored horror nerd, I readily agreed!
And that brings us to now. We recently recorded the first episode, and are planning to record them once a week. Not sure when they’ll be up yet. Anyway, feel free to comment, and email us at,, and
Stay tuned. It’s sure to be brilliantly weird, and everything a horror nerd could hope to hear!