This episode, join Sean & Charles as they have a sleepy discussion about Wes Craven’s slasher classic “A Nightmare On Elm Street” and Clive Barker’s short story “Haeckel’s Tale”.

Eyes Gone Wrong Kevin MacLeod (

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2 comments on “Episode 71 – Manic Bean Flicking

  1. Ivor Bolakov Oct 26, 2014

    Great episode.

    This is the only podcast that gets me laughing so hard that after one episode finishes, I’m reminded of another where I pissed myself, and go through the archive and listen to it again.

    Sad, but true. 🙂

    • Charles Nov 5, 2014

      My momma always told me that if you can make just one person pee in their pants, you’ve made a positive impact on the world.

      I was planning on an intricate kidnapping scenario in order to make that happen before I die, so I’m glad we were able to accomplish it with laughter instead of torture. Keeps me out of prison.